THE SOUND OF LIGHT by Sarah Sundin~ a great story! 5 star review

When the Germans march into Denmark, Baron Henrik Ahlefeldt exchanges his nobility for anonymity, assuming a new identity so he can secretly row messages for the Danish Resistance across the waters to Sweden. American physicist Dr. Else Jensen refuses to leave Copenhagen and abandon her research—her life’s dream—and makes the dangerous decision to print resistance newspapers.

As Else hears rumors of the movement’s legendary Havmand—the merman—she also becomes intrigued by the mysterious and silent shipyard worker living in the same boardinghouse. Henrik makes every effort to conceal his noble upbringing, but he is torn between the façade he must maintain and the woman he is beginning to fall in love with.

When the Occupation cracks down on the Danes, these two passionate people will discover if there is more power in speech . . . or in silence. [back cover copy]

In April 1940, everyone in Denmark had a decision to make. Within 2 hours of the Germans marching in, they defeated Denmark. Under surrender terms, they allowed Parliament and King Christian to remain in place and the Danish government “asked the people to behave, obey the law, and treat the Germans correctly.”

The 2 main characters, Baron Henrik Ahlefeldt and Dr. Else Jensen, look closely at what is important to each of them and choose opposite paths: Henrik must disappear from Denmark, and Else stays to continue her research. Yet each faces challenges that spring ceaselessly from their work. As time passes, pressure increases and their undercover activities become more difficult to keep secret. As a romance blossoms, the consequences of each decision multiplies.

Sundin peppers the story with fascinating historical details as she weaves an ever-tightening net of intrigue. A net both Henrik and Else could have avoided if they’d left Denmark before the German occupation. Indeed, both still could leave.

Their choices to remain and work in Occupied Denmark are clear and understandable. But the costs of the increasing sacrifices they’re called on to make become much higher, become more agonizing—and more risky. The cast of secondary characters is rich and well-drawn.

I enjoy learning new things from a good story, and this one abounds in interesting new information about Denmark and The Danish Resistance. And I love being immersed in a good story. THE SOUND OF LIGHT drew me in immediately and kept me turning pages. The main characters evoked caring.

As the German net tightens, the readers will be surprised at Sundin’s completely believable plot twists. Even the title holds intrigue. I thought perhaps it referred to some fact from a physicist’s work about light also carrying sound. But another surprise awaited me as to what The Sound of Light referenced. I highly recommend this book to readers who like inspirational historical fiction.

Book Review – FOR SUCH A TIME by Kate Breslin


In 1944, Jewess Hadassah Benjamin feels abandoned by God when she is saved from a firing squad only to be handed over to a new enemy. Pressed into service by the SS, she is able to hide behind the false identity of Stella Muller. However, in order to survive and maintain her cover, she is forced to stand by as her own people are sent to Auschwitz. 

Suspecting her employer is a man of hidden depths and sympathies, Stella cautiously appeals to him on behalf of those in the camp. His compassion gives her hope, and she finds herself battling a growing attraction for this man she knows she should despise as an enemy. 

Stella pours herself into her efforts to keep even some of the camp’s prisoners safe, but she risks the revelation of her true identity with every attempt. When her bravery brings her to the point of the ultimate sacrifice, she has only her faith to lean upon. Perhaps God has placed her there for such a time as this, but how can she save her people when she is unable to save herself? [from back cover]

Kate Breslin’s debut novel For Such a Time is a compelling and beautiful story of a Jewish woman whose blonde hair and blue eyes not only allow her to pass for Aryan, but convince many Germans that she is Aryan despite the stamp on her papers that says she’s a Jew.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABreslin drops the reader into WW II at Thereseinstadt, the Nazi transit camp in Czechoslovakia, where the cold, starvation, brutality, and hopelessness are portrayed in piercing clarity. (The gift of telling a story that pops off the page and into your living room sometimes doesn’t feel like a gift when what appears is a world such as Thereseinstadt.)

Also dropped into this place is the young woman Hadassah Benjamin whose papers say she is Stella Muller. She’s forced to serve as secretary to the SS commander, resulting in her having heart-breaking knowledge and being in jeopardy of discovery if even a slight ill-timed frown is ever seen. Excruciating decisions must be made, and innocents from infant to elderly are in jeopardy.

This tale is one of surviving harsh circumstances through the power of love, will, faith, and community. Also clearly on display despite the setting are flashes of  kindness, tenderness, courage, sacrifice, and of love emerging and tentatively trusting, then provoking more courage and kindness.

A satisfying ending awaits those who read Breslin’s powerfully-told story. She seamlessly weaves fact and fiction and I was grateful that she included in the author’s note which parts of the story were true and which were fiction.