Up Words

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAfter our onslaught of CRUSH words, some uplifting words have been poured into our lives ~ numbers look good, tumor reduction, treatment working. There are still challenges:  time, money, energy … But we cannot discount the power of encouraging words. And the need for them is great in our world.


Recently a friend described her sense of utter exhaustion and emptiness. I heard a person on television dismiss and demean an entire group of intelligent, generous, motivated individuals. And in my morning devotion, I read about a man deep in depression who experienced affirmation, encouragement, even being energized by a gentle pat on the back. Misery, confusion, fear, and anger abound in our world. Trouble comes. It comes as naturally as sparks from a fire fly upward. [Job 5:7] The people in our lives need us to speak some good words into their world.


Certainly if friends are close enough, a touch can also speed healing, spur hope. And our words are like arrows. Once sprung, they may hit a place or in a way that we didn’t intend and cannot control. Jennifer Dukes Lee says in her similarly-themed blog on (in)courage:

“Words can take you prisoner, or they can set you free.” And

“Our words always fold into the souls of other human beings. That’s no small thing.”

Words are powerful. And we are so grateful to those who’ve spoken gentleness, grace, encouragement to us as Ed and God take aim at the cancer. Who’ve spoken prayers on our behalf. We aim [as explained in 2 Cor. 1:4] to use the comfort of those words to encourage others in their pain. Words. What a gift, yes? Imagine trying to convey all this with a few motions or drawings.

Crush Words


I often ponder, and wish to write about, the challenges to open discussion of problems in the world. How words seem to morph in meaning, and some are used as arrows and mud rather than to discuss and illuminate.

But while I was writing and rewriting such a post, some new words were dumped into our lives. Ugly words ~ like biopsy. Cancer. Bone scan. Treatment protocols. Radiation.

And maybe a few hopeful words. Contained. Seven weeks. Good chance. And “God is in control.”


So while these words are dominating our days, my time will be spent elsewhere. Hope to meet you here again soon, but until then, I’m spending my words on medical jargon and insurance companies and on keeping my hubby encouraged as I drive him to daily treatments. And writing ~ of course.

May the words in your life during this season bring peace and joy to you.